Thursday, July 16, 2015

Orthopedic Experience (Wheelchair) 6/1/15

My wheelchair experience was pretty crazy and WAY harder than I thought! My friend, Aspen, came with me just so I had someone to experience it with, but I think she mostly came for some entertainment for the day. We wheeled out of the Hinckley after using the elevator, which was way harder than I thought as well. The elevator fits a wheelchair but it's hard to navigate through that thing. The hardest for me was to go down the hill from the Hinckley to the MC. I was scared of rolling down the hill too fast and biffing it! We went and spent the day in the MC and I had some studying to do. When I went to the bathroom, my friends were laughing at me trying to get in the stall by myself. I knew how to "transfer" myself from the wheelchair because I am a CNA and worked with special needs kids in wheelchairs. Going through doors was super difficult too. Especially without the door opener. The highlight of the day was a girl who asked me how I got paralyzed. I understood that we weren't supposed to tell people that we were only in a wheelchair for a class, but I could not think of a response. So all I said was I'm not paralyzed and wheeled away. :) Going up the hill was surprisingly easier than going down! Overall it was a good experience and it was really good for me to understand how that life is.

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