Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lesson 9

This week I was SUPER sick on Monday and wasn't able to make it to class. I asked a classmate what was covered in class and she said they talked about emotional and behavioral disorders and differentiation. It made me start thinking a lot about emotional and behavioral disorders and experiences I had with these disorders. I feel like this is something I have dealt with a lot personally and with other people who I am very close with. These disorders are disorders that either you can't do anything to prevent it or it happens because of something tramatic has happened in your life. It's something that is hard to fight and it controls and affects everything in your daily life. Because I have dealt with it in many different situations in my life, I know it will help me deal with students who have these disorders. I know that real-life experiences will help me with differentiation and the ability to teach students on the level they need to be taught.


On Wednesday, we got in groups to learn how to co-teach and I just joined my table group since I was absent on Monday. The other taught my group how to lead. They separated us into people that didn't know how and people who already knew how. I was in the group that already knew how. I thought I knew everything about leading music, but I was wrong! I learned so many new things from different people in the group. Each member of the group brought their own knowledge and because of collaboration we were able to lead pretty perfectly! Our group was teaching the other group how to whistle using your hands. Even though I could not do it, I knew how to physically do it so I was able to still help teach. Towards the end, everyone was getting frustrated. There were people who caught on really fast and were able to do it right away or within just a few minutes. I was teaching and I STILL couldn't do it. With a lot of help, even from the people who were being taught, I was FINALLY able to do it and I feel like I have never felt more accomplished in my life! I was so excited and I could tell the people who were teaching me really cared about me because they never gave up and they were just as excited as I was when I got it. It helped me feel like a student who was disabled, who had a teacher who believed in them and because of that they were able to accomplish the task. This experience will always stick with me and help me when I am a teacher myself.

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