Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lesson 2

This week was heartbreaking, after watching those videos about those special needs kids in Serbia. It hit a little close to home because it reminded me so much of the last three months that I spent working in a special needs orphanage in Ecuador. I spent every day with kids just like the ones in the videos. There were so many similarities except for just one thing - their happiness. I realized how much a difference makes when a child has someone who loves them and is constantly being cared for. I learned so much about the divine worth of souls and how just because they have either small disabilities or severe disabilities, they still have feelings and still are in so much need of love and nurturing. These children are still Heavenly Father's children and won't progress if we are not helping them. My heart hurts for those sweet spirits who were sent here by choice of Heavenly Father. There is a reason for them to be on this earth.

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